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WooCommerce Global Cart - Single Site / Posts tagged "changelog"

WooCommerce Global Cart – Single Site – Changelog Release Date - 2024-07-09 Author - Nsp Code Hash - 5116c040a76ca4911ae673d3196b280b9d512009 On Synchronization type change, disconnect the sites to ensure they use the correct data. Improve the wp-config.php file update routine. Use "." for the global cokies to ensure they are set for the domain root. Fix: Creation of dynamic property WooGC_Sync::$secure_cookie is deprecated Fix: Creation of dynamic property WooGC_Sync::$return_url is deprecated 1.2.9 Release Date - 2024-06-04 Author - Nsp Code Hash - df8e1e85d50070cd46e8397a5b9941e2598c555d Headers Synchronization type implementation. Adjust the wp-config routine check for required data, to check and update if necessarily. 1.2.7 Release...

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