Check WPGlobalCart for WordPress MultiSite


WooCommerce Global Cart – Single Site – Changelog

WooCommerce Global Cart - Single Site / WooCommerce Global Cart – Single Site – Changelog


Release Date – 2024-07-24
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 355f9f95f18c237e251a116dfefed0dcfe3ee052

  • Code improvements
  • Add a request_after_callbacks filter to adjust the cart images for the products from the remote shops.
  • Ensure a remote product variation is returning correct visibility when calling variation_is_visible().
  • Set default low_stock_amount for a remote product.
  • New constant WOOGC_DISABLE_CALLER_IP to allow disabling the IP caller check.
  • WooCommerce 9.1.2 compatibility check and tag update.

Release Date – 2024-07-09
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 5116c040a76ca4911ae673d3196b280b9d512009

  • On Synchronization type change, disconnect the sites to ensure they use the correct data.
  • Improve the wp-config.php file update routine.
  • Use “.” for the global cokies to ensure they are set for the domain root.
  • Fix: Creation of dynamic property WooGC_Sync::$secure_cookie is deprecated
  • Fix: Creation of dynamic property WooGC_Sync::$return_url is deprecated


Release Date – 2024-06-04
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – df8e1e85d50070cd46e8397a5b9941e2598c555d

  • Headers Synchronization type implementation.
  • Adjust the wp-config routine check for required data, to check and update if necessarily.


Release Date – 2024-05-22
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 3c6bea0fc36ac65ae702c86f00c91d3183d1a995

  • Fix: Ensure it returns the correct site ID when calling global_get_current_site_id by comparing using strpos method, to avoid issues when using structures like


Release Date – 2024-05-20
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – f612e4573398719d08ed10ec59ecab6ffaea50d5

  • API client / host log message improvements for easier
  • WooCommerce 8.8.3 compatibility check and tag update

Release Date – 2024-04-15
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 2a532a76d0d6f8b0970911b31ca164c961383cbb

  • Allow using a TLD with a sub-directory.
  • Improved code for locate the required_once ( wp-settings.php ) within wp-config.php to insert the plugin REST module
  • Woogc-sync routine code cleanup.
  • WooCommerce 8.7.0 compatibility check and tag update.


Release Date – 2024-03-12
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – a31a21f1b81f0c6d03bc196a8bb496bb6a562b94

  • Insert the WooGC Rest starter right after ABSPATH and use it, to match environments using Symbolic Link for the wp-config.php
  • Ensure the response from a connected shop is valid, when calling for the checkout URL.
  • Check if the global_domains option is array, before comparisons and processing.
  • Remove the _prime_post_caches as containing non-integer values for IDs.
  • Fix: Retrieve the variation id for the remote variable products.


Release Date – 2024-03-01
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – de828d857f5ed26441999c461b1d8df6a8d373c0

  • Strip end slash for new shop domains to avoid returning ‘The domain name contain invalid characters.’
  • Update the table woocommerce_woogc_products product_data column from text to longtext to avoid long data crop.
  • Trigger the synchronization procedure on specific XMLHttpRequestPostVars
  • Ignore the synchronization for bots and crawlers.
  • If failed to connect, reset the site api connect data.
  • WooCommerce 8.6.1 check and compatibility tag update
  • Fix: When API user update use correct compare logic argument on wp_capabilities


Release Date – 2023-12-14
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 20acd5cdce12dcd078e5594bd9d6567b99613f35

  • Lowercase the required Headers, to avoid issues on servers which change the Header letter case.
  • Ensure the cart is initialized, when called using the front Store REST API
  • Removed the WC_Cart_Fees deprecated argument
  • Improve APIs status codes for easier track of the run-lines.
  • Add a random hash to the rest url to avoid caching on the other side.
  • Fix: Store REST API, Reservation stock for remote product
  • Fix: Store REST API, get manage stock for remote product


Release Date – 2023-11-01
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 963b727889429fd3d661ed1d6a5428e747beea30

  • HPOS – High-performance order storage; compatibility integration and check
  • Ensure the synchronize_to is triggered for a shop which is still registered in the network.
  • Fix: Reset the product sync_to_shops, maintain child, maintain_stock before product update, to avoid holding outdated data.
  • WooCommerce 8.2.1 check and compatibility tag update


Release Date – 2023-10-02
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – a4ee4819889ed06e532bffe99811a8b57b8960c1

  • Remove the options when re-install the plugin, to ensure the default data is populated correctly.


Release Date – 2023-09-28
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 019aa578625b339dbe927d93fc4ad3cbe1869e91

  • New feature – Replace the Cart Products with local version ( If a product in the shopping cart is also available in the current store, it will be substituted with the local product. The identification of a match is determined by comparing the product SKU attribute. The substitution occours only for products of same type.. )
  • Language file updates
  • Typo fix


Release Date – 2023-09-26
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 5d07d5d945346a2134ce5c3943c62adf8989c862

  • Default Release.
  • WooCommerce 8.1.1 check and compatibility tag update